
Electrolux Professional Group introduces a new Group brand tagline

Electrolux Professional Group introduces the new Group brand tagline, ’Meeting needs beyond tomorrow’, designed to capture the essence of the Group brand – the relentless drive to innovate and stay relevant as a sustainability leader in our industry.

At the same time, a new Group Brand foundation has been created. It serves as a catalyst for change that enhances our business strategy, supports the sustainability agenda, and drives business performance through a robust Group Brand.

“Electrolux Professional Group today is larger and has many more brands than a few years ago. Our Group Brand not only supports these brands, but also strengthens our overall business, while the new tagline underlines our sustainability ambitions today and tomorrow,” says Jacob Broberg, Chief Communication Officer.

We want to fulfill today’s needs while securing tomorrow’s future. By putting our customers first and providing new insights on how to be more efficient and productive through new ways of operating kitchens and laundries, we enable them to reduce costs while reducing their impact on the climate. Our goal is to be the undisputed sustainability leader in our industry, committing to significantly reduce CO2 emissions by 2030 from our operations, products and solutions.

Our new Group Brand foundation and tagline create differentiation and ensures consistent visibility across all touchpoints, enhancing our omnichannel customer experience, reinforcing our visibility and impact as a Group, as well as providing tangible benefits for all of our brands,” says Aurore Miceli, Director, Group Brand & Digital Marketing.

Visit our Group website to watch the film, learn more about our initiatives and how you can be a part of the transformative journey towards a sustainable future www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com

For more information, please contact Jacob Broberg, Chief Communication & Investor Relations Officer +46 70 190 00 33

Electrolux Professional Group – meeting needs beyond tomorrow

Electrolux Professional Group är hållbarhetsledaren i vår bransch och en av de ledande globala leverantörerna av storkök, dryck och tvätt för professionella användare. Våra innovativa produkter och världsomspännande servicenätverk gör det dagliga arbetet för våra kunder enklare, mer lönsamt och verkligt hållbart varje dag. Våra lösningar och produkter säljs i mer än 110 länder. Under 2024 hade Electrolux Professional Group en global försäljning på 12,5 miljarder kronor och cirka 4 300 anställda. Electrolux Professionals B-aktier är noterade på Nasdaq Stockholm. För mer information, besök https://www.electroluxprofessionalgroup.com

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