
Handelsstopp i Harm Reduction Group AB:s aktie / Trading halt in Harm Reduction Group AB’s share

(for English version see below) 

Med hänvisning till pressmeddelandet som Harm Reduction Group AB offentliggjorde idag den 28 januari 2025, ” Harm Reduction Group meddelar beslut om att ansöka om konkurs” har Spotlight Stock Market beslutat att handelstoppa Harm Reduction Group AB:s aktie NOHARM idag den 28 januari 2025.   

Trading halt in Harm Reduction Group AB’s share 

With reference to the press release published by Harm Reduction Group AB on January 28, 2025, ”Harm Reduction Group meddelar beslut om att ansöka om konkurs:” Spotlight Stock Market has decided to halt the trading in the company’s share (NOHARM) today, January 28, 2025. 

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