
Hantverkshjälpen Launches TimeFlow: A Business System Designed for the Craftsmanship Industry to Save Time, Reduce Errors, and Minimize Workplace Accidents

Hantverkshjälpen has developed TimeFlow, a cutting-edge business system tailored specifically for the craftsmanship industry. This innovative solution is designed to streamline operations, significantly reduce errors, and enhance workplace safety. By automating key processes and improving accuracy, TimeFlow helps craftsmen save valuable time and create a safer, more efficient work environment.

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige offers a comprehensive suite of solutions and services tailored to the needs of the craftsmanship industry. Our flagship product, TimeFlow, is a state-of-the-art business system designed to optimize various aspects of your operations. Here’s what we provide:

Solutions and Services Offered:

  1. Advanced Time Tracking: TimeFlow enables precise tracking and management of working hours, providing a clear overview of project time allocations and simplifying accurate invoicing.

  2. Project Management: Our system includes robust project management tools that allow you to plan, monitor, and control your projects efficiently. You can create detailed project plans, assign tasks, and track progress in real time.

  3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): TimeFlow centralizes customer communication, documentation, and follow-ups, enhancing your ability to manage relationships and improve client satisfaction.

  4. Invoicing and Financial Management: The system features an automated invoicing process, reducing errors and saving time. It also offers financial reporting and analysis tools to keep your business finances in check.

  5. Integration Capabilities: TimeFlow integrates seamlessly with other software and systems you may already be using, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing your operational efficiency.

  6. Professional Support and Training: Hantverkshjälpen provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to help you fully leverage TimeFlow’s features. Our goal is to ensure that you get the most out of our system and that your business runs smoothly.

  7. Safety and Compliance: TimeFlow is designed to enhance workplace safety by reducing errors and streamlining processes, contributing to a safer and more compliant work environment.

By choosing Hantverkshjälpen Sverige and TimeFlow, you invest in a powerful, tailored solution that supports your business’s growth, efficiency, and safety.

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige AB
Storgatan 11 B

171 63  SOLNA
Växel: 08-800 900
Mail: info@hantverkshjalpen.com


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