
Korsängen Fastighets AB (publ) förvärvar nytt ABB-kontor i Västerås

Korsängen Fastighets AB (publ), ett av Pareto Securities nybildat bolag, har förvärvat fastigheten Sågen 4 i Västerås som är fullt uthyrd till ABB AB. Köpeskillingen före avdrag för latent skatt uppgår till ca 300 mkr.

Obligo har ansvarat för totalrenovering och konvertering av fastigheten och gjort den ändamålsenlig för ABB, som flyttade in i lokalerna under december 2018. Hyresavtalet är på 15 år. Säljare är AREIM och Blackstone.

Korsängen Fastighets AB (publ) förvaltas av Pareto Business Management AB.

För ytterligare information vänligen kontakta:

Philip Söderqvist
Pareto Securities AB      

Tel: +46 72-163 32 22
E-post: philip.soderqvist@paretosec.com                                                                                                                                               




Pareto Securities is an independent full service investment bank with a leading position in the Nordic capital markets and a strong international presence within the energy sector. Pareto Securities AB offers Swedish and foreign institutions, companies and private individuals investment services related to trading in stocks, shares in SPV’s and fixed income instruments, wide coverage both within equity- and credit research. Furthermore, Pareto Securities corporate finance offers ECM, M&A and DCM services as well as arrangement and syndication of new investment projects, arrangement and syndication of sale and leaseback structures within real estate, infrastructure and shipping/offshore. Pareto Securities AB is part of the Pareto Securities group and is headquartered in Oslo, Norway, with more than 500 employees located in offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Singapore and Australia.

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