
Lyxors klimatanpassade ETF:er har rest över 1 miljard euro

Lyxor Asset Management kan meddela att bolagets klimat-ETFer har lyckats resa över en miljard euro i tillgångar, endast ett år efter lansering. Detta är ett starkt bevis på att investerare vidtar åtgärder för att anpassa sina portföljer för att nå minskade koldioxidustläpp. De åtta ETFerna inom Climate följer indexen S&P Paris-Aligned Climate (PAB) och MSCI Climate Change (CTB) och är utformade för att följa europeiskt regelverk och står för 30 procent av marknadssegmentet inom ETFer som följer indexen PAB och CTB index1.

I mars i fjol blev Lyxor den första europeiska ETF-leverantören att lansera ett helt ekosystem med ETFer som tar hänsyn till målen i Parisavtalet om att begränsa den globala uppvärmningen till 1.5 grader ”med inget eller begränsat överskridande” över förindustriella nivåer.

Med bakgrund av att det rekordstora flödet till ESG-ETFer i Europa, når klimatanpassade ETFer fram till portföljallokeringsteam hos institutionella investerare som åtagit sig att minska koldioxidutsläppen i sina portföljer och bidra till minskade utsläpp. Märkta klimatindex är ett transparent och kostnadseffektivt sätt att utnyttja en mängd klimatdata.

Mervärdeindexen PAB och CTB som följs av Lyxors ETFer gör det möjligt för investerare att minska den omedelbara koldioxidintensiteten i sina portföljer och följa en absolut minskning av koldioxidutsläpp om 7% årligen.

”Under det senaste året blev institutionella investerare alltmer medvetna om att klimatanpassade ETFer, Climate ETF’s, är ett effektivt verktyg i kampen mot klimatförändringar, eftersom de i stor skala kan flytta kapital till investeringar med låga koldioxidutsläpp, inom ett vetenskapligt regelbaserat och öppet ramverk. Vi är övertygade om att klimatanpassade ETFer genom deras tillgänglighet och låga avgifter även kommer att bidra till att demokratisera klimatinvesteringar för privatinvesterare och kommer som ett resultat av det att utgöra en grundläggande komponent i den breda ESG-ETF marknaden”, kommenterar Arnaud Llinas,
Head of Lyxor ETF and Indexing.

Att bekämpa klimatförändringar är en central del av Lyxors värderingar. Lyxor positionerar sig som den främsta ETF-leverantören av klimatindex, efter att ha lanserat världens första Green Bond-ETF under 2017, den största i sitt slag med 560 miljoner euro i förvaltade tillgångar2. Merparten av kapitalet som samlas i ETFens underliggande gröna obligationer finansierar projekt som syftar till att bekämpa klimatförändringar. Tidigare i år publicerade Lyxor temperaturtal för 150 av sina ETFer, vilket möjliggjorde för investerare att bedöma effekterna av deras portföljer på den globala uppvärmningen samt att göra omfördelning av deras kapital mot en klimatneutral ekonomi .


[1] Källa: Lyxor International Asset Management, Bloomberg, as of 02/06/2021.

[2] Källa: Lyxor International Asset Management, Bloomberg, as of 02/06/2021.

Press kontact:

Lyxor International Asset Management
Stefano Bassi                      
+33 1 58 98 69 72
Mob.: +33 6 14 51 92 56

Email: stefano.bassi@sgcib.com

Notes to editors:

About Lyxor:

Lyxor Asset Management Group (”the Lyxor group”), wholly-owned directly or indirectly by Societe Generale and composed notably of two subsidiaries (1) (2), is a European asset management specialist, an expert in all investment styles, active, passive or alternative. From ETFs to multi-management, with EUR 176.5 billion* under management and advisory, Lyxor group creates innovative investment solutions to meet the long-term challenges of sustainable investments, with a particular focus on the fight against climate change. Thanks to its experts and its engineering tradition and research, Lyxor group combines search for performance and risk management.

(1) Lyxor Asset Management S.A.S. is approved by the «Autorité des marchés financiers» (French regulator) under the agreement
# GP98019.

(2) Lyxor International Asset Management S.A.S. is approved by the «Autorité des Marchés Financiers» (French regulator) under the agreement # GP04024.

* Including EUR 19.4 billion Assets under Advisory, equivalent of USD 213.3 billion in assets under management and advisory (including USD 23.5 billion Assets under Advisory) at the end of April 2021.

Lyxor International Asset Management: the original pioneers

Lyxor has been running ETFs since 2001, longer than any other European provider. Our pioneering spirit helped shape the market you know today.

We’ve become one of Europe’s largest1, most liquid ETF managers. And our far-reaching range spans all asset classes, and includes some of the largest and best performing ETFs in Europe2. We now offer 200+ ways to explore markets. So, whether you’re seeking essential core index exposure or reaching out for more tactical opportunities in specific sectors or markets, we have the product to match. We also offer unique ESG and thematic exposures to help you prepare for a changing world. Wherever you roam, rest assured our quality charter means every fund meets the same meticulous standards.


It is each investor’s responsibility to ascertain that it is authorised to subscribe, or invest into the product detailed in this press release. Prior to investing in the product, investors should seek independent financial, tax, accounting and legal advice. Lyxor UCITS ETFs are French or Luxembourg open ended mutual investment funds respectively approved by the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers or by the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, and authorized for marketing of their units or shares in various European countries (the Marketing Countries) pursuant to the article 93 of the 2009/65/EC Directive. Lyxor International Asset Management SAS recommends that investors read carefully the “risk factors” section of the Lyxor UCITS ETFs prospectus and the “Risk and reward” section of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID). The prospectus in French for French Lyxor UCITS ETFs and in English for Luxembourg Lyxor UCITS ETFs and the KIID in the local languages of the Marketing Countries are available free of charge on www.lyxoretf.com or upon request to client-services-etf@lyxor.com.

Updated composition of the Lyxor UCITS ETFs investment portfolio is available on www.lyxoretf.com. Indicative net asset value is published on the Reuters and Bloomberg pages of the products, and might also be mentioned on the websites of the stock exchanges where the product is listed. The products are the object of market-making contracts, the purpose of which is to ensure the liquidity of the products on the exchange, assuming normal market conditions and normally functioning computer systems. Units of a specific Lyxor UCITS ETF managed by an asset manager and purchased on the secondary market cannot usually be sold directly back to the asset manager itself. Investors must buy and sell units on a secondary market with the assistance of an intermediary (e.g. a stockbroker) and may incur fees for doing so. In addition, investors may pay more than the current net asset value when buying units and may receive less than the current net asset value when selling them.

The Lyxor UCITS ETF including the one detailed in this press release include a risk of capital loss. The redemption value of these Lyxor UCITS ETF may be less than the amount initially invested. In a worst case scenario, investors could sustain the loss of their entire investment. There is no guarantee that the objective of any Lyxor UCITS ETF will be met. A Lyxor UCITS ETF may not always be able to replicate exactly the performance of the index.

The indexes and the trademarks used in this document are the intellectual property of index sponsors and/or its licensors. The indexes are used under license from index sponsors. The UCITS ETFs based on the indexes are in no way sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by index sponsors and/or its licensors and neither index sponsors nor its licensors shall have any liability with respect thereto. The indices referred to herein (the “Index”) are not sponsored, approved or sold by Société Générale or Lyxor International Asset Management SAS. Each of Société Générale and Lyxor International Asset Management SAS shall not assume any responsibility in this respect.  The accuracy, completeness or relevance of the information which has been drawn from external sources is not guaranteed although it is drawn from sources reasonably believed to be reliable. Subject to any applicable law, each of Société Générale and Lyxor International Asset Management SAS shall not assume any liability in this respect.

This press release together with the prospectus and/or more generally any information or documents with respect to or in connection with the Lyxor UCITS ETF detailed herein does not constitute an offer for sale or solicitation of an offer for sale in any jurisdiction (i) in which such offer or solicitation is not authorized, (ii) in which the person making such offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so, or (iii) to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. In addition, the shares are not registered under the U.S Securities Act of 1933 and may not be directly or indirectly offered or sold in the United States (including its territories or possessions) or to or for the benefit of a U.S Person (being a “United State Person” within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act of 1933 of the United States, as amended, and/or any person not included in the definition of “Non-United States Person” within the meaning of Section 4.7 (a) (1) (iv) of the rules of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.).No U.S federal or state securities commission has reviewed or approved this document and more generally any documents with respect to or in connection with the fund. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence.




Nathalie BOSCHAT – Lyxor Head of Communications
Tel: +33 1 42 13 84 84

Email: communication@lyxor.com


Société par actions simplifiée with share capital of € 72 059 696

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