lö, okt 21, 2017 12:24 CET
The revelation that the top echelon of the political leadership in Belarus, including president Viktor Lukashenko, supported illegal oil-smuggling to Europe was not only big news in Sweden. It also had considerable impact internationally, which was acknowledged on Friday night by the Prix Europa jury.
Daniel Velasco and Daniel Öhman receiving the Prix Europa (PHOTO: Prix Europa)
A former KGB agent from Belarus came forward to tell the Swedish Radio’s investigative reporters Daniel Öhman, Daniel Velasco and freelance journalist Per Shapiro the story of how the most senior political figures in the country were involved in the smuggling of petroleum products. After months of research, the journalists managed to confirm that the documents were genuine. The research also showed that the petroleum products that were smuggled out of the country were bought by the notorious, Swedish-owned, oil trading company, the Gunvor Group.
– We can not overlook the fact that there is a dictatorship in Europe where opposition is being imprisoned and with a corruption that is allowed to continue, says
Daniel Öhman
– The competition in the documentary section has probably never been tougher and we are very proud to achieve this award, says
Daniel Velasco
Read the press release (from May 2017)
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Carina Claesson, co-ordinator,
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Claes Bertilson, Chief Press Officer,
or +46-(0)70-327 7807
, Sveriges Radio
, public service
, Cilla Benkö
, Swedish Radio
, Prix Europa
, Daniel Öhman
, belarus
, oil smuggling
, Daniel Valesco
, Gunvor
, Lukashenka
, radio investigation