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Readly ingår avtal om att förvärva Toutabo, ägaren av ePresse, och etablerar en ledande position i Frankrike



Insiderinformation: Readly International AB (publ) (“Readly”), den europeiska marknadsledaren inom digitala magasin, har ingått avtal om att förvärva 97,3% av de utestående aktierna i Toutabo SA (“Toutabo”, “Förvärvet”), en ledande prenumerationstjänst i Frankrike och ägare av den digitala prenumerationstjänsten ePresse, från grundarna och de institutionella ägarna (“Säljarna”). Den totala köpeskillingen uppgår till upp till cirka 8,2 miljoner Euro på kassa- och skuldfri basis (villkorat av eventuella justeringar mellan ingåendet av avtalet och genomförandet av Förvärvet), med en initial köpeskilling om cirka 3,9 miljoner Euro som betalas i samband med genomförande av Förvärvet och en tilläggsköpeskilling om upp till cirka 4,3 miljoner Euro att betalas innan utgången av januari 2024 villkorat av uppfyllelse av särskilda mål. Köpeskillingen kommer till viss del att betalas kontant och till viss del genom nyemitterade aktier i Readly.

Bakgrund och motiv

Frankrike är den största magasinmarknaden i Europa och inklusive dagstidningar uppskattas den 2021 vara värd cirka 7,2 miljarder USD, med en digital penetration på cirka 30 procent. Genom Förvärvet får Readly tillgång till en ledande fransk portfölj med fler än 1 000 magasin och 300 dagstidningar från cirka 280 förlag. Förvärvet kommer att stärka Readlys ledande position i Europa med ett totalt erbjudande om över 6 000 magasin och tidningar från fler än 1 000 förlag. Etableringen i Frankrike kommer att dra fördel av Toutabos ledande position, lokala expertis och starka relationer med förlag och kommersiella partners, i kombination med Readlys resurser inom tech, erfarenheter inom produktutveckling, globala räckvidd och förmåga att skapa tillväxt. Förvärvet utgör nästa steg i Readlys tillväxtresa och kommer över tid att bidra till Readlys finansiella mål.

– Etablering på den franska marknaden har sedan länge varit en strategisk prioritet. Genom förvärvet skapar vi över en natt en ledande position i Frankrike med ett lokalt team, starka relationer med förlag och kommersiella partners. Med ledande positioner på de största europeiska marknaderna är vi välpositionerade för fortsatt tillväxt och expansion. Vi är stolta över att kunna erbjuda våra prenumeranter en ledande europeisk portfölj som nu också kommer att inkludera Franska topptitlar. Hela teamet är entusiastiska inför att förse förlagen med global räckvidd och ökade intäkter samt en guldgruva av datadrivna insikter, liksom att samarbeta med andra bolag för att bringa kvalitativ journalistik närmare digitala konsumenter, säger Maria Hedengren, VD på Readly.

Toutabos ledande portfölj inkluderar globala magasin som Cosmopolitan, GQ och Vogue liksom populära nationella varumärken som Paris Match och Society. Därutöver inkluderar portföljen välrenommerade dagstidningar som Les Echos, Le Journal du Dimanche och Libération. Portföljen innehåller även internationella titlar som exempelvis den internationella versionen av The New York Times. Portföljen möjliggör för Readly att attrahera fransktalande konsumenter i befintliga marknader världen över och för franska förlag att öka sina intäkter och sin digitala närvaro.

– Vi är mycket glada över att bli en del av en ledande europeisk pionjär som Readly. Jag är övertygad om att Readlys globala utbud, internationella räckvidd och erfarenheter inom produktutveckling kommer att innebära spännande tillväxtmöjligheter och påskynda transformationen av magasinindustrin. Vår gemensamma målsättning att göra journalistiken mer lättillgänglig för den digitala publiken kommer att resultera i att fler läser franska magasin och tidningar, både i Frankrike och i andra fransktalande marknader. Jag ser fram emot att slå ihop våra styrkor med teamet på Readly, säger Jean-Frédéric Lambert, VD på Toutabo.

Toutabo är en ledande fransk prenumerationstjänst med ett starkt erbjudande inom B2C och B2B med fokus på digitala prenumerationer av magasin och dagstidningar genom den digitala prenumerationstjänsten och ”all-you-can-read”-appen ePresse. För 2020 uppgick bolagets nettoomsättning till cirka 6,6 miljoner Euro, en bruttomarginal om 35 procent och en EBITDA om -173 tusen Euro. Toutabo har 14 anställda och sitt huvudkontor i Paris.

Köpeskilling och lock-up period

Den totala köpeskillingen uppgår till upp till cirka 8,2 miljoner Euro på kassa- och skuldfri basis (villkorat av eventuella justeringar mellan ingåendet av avtalet och genomförandet av Förvärvet), med en initial köpeskilling om cirka 3,9 miljoner Euro som betalas i samband med genomförande av Förvärvet och en tilläggsköpeskilling om upp till cirka 4,3 miljoner Euro att betalas innan utgången av januari 2024 villkorat av uppfyllelse av särskilda mål. 65,5 procent av den initiala köpeskillingen kommer att betalas kontant och 34,5 procent kommer att betalas i nyemitterade aktier vid genomförandet av Förvärvet. Priset per aktie uppgår till SEK 31,47 baserat på det volymviktade genomsnittliga aktiepriset för de 20 handelsdagar som föregår men inte inkluderar datumet för offentliggörandet av Förvärvet. Säljarna har åtagit sig att, under en period om ett år från dagen för genomförandet av Förvärvet, inte avyttra de nyemitterade aktierna.

Nyemission av aktier som del av köpeskillingen

Med stöd av bemyndigande från årsstämman 2021 kommer styrelsen i Readly att emittera aktierna till Säljarna vid genomförandet av Förvärvet. Aktierna som emitteras som del av den initiala köpeskillingen motsvarar 1,8 procent av det totala antalet aktier och röster i Readly på en fullt utspädd basis. Genom emissionen av aktier kommer antalet aktier och röster i Readly att öka från 37 226 617 med 672 210 till 37 898 827 medan aktiekapitalet kommer att öka från SEK 1 116 799 med 20 166 SEK till SEK 1 136 965.

Genomförandet av Förvärvet

Genomförandet av Förvärvet beräknas äga rum omkring slutet av oktober 2021.

Inbjudan till webcast

Förvärvet presenteras för analytiker och investerare den 6 oktober kl. 10:00 CET av Maria Hedengren, VD och Johan Adalberth, CFO. Presentationen avslutas med en Q&A.

För att lyssna på presentationen via telefon, vänligen ring:

SE: +46 856642651 PIN: 21827592#
UK: +44 3333000804 PIN: 21827592#
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FR: +33 170750711 PIN: 21827592# 
DE: +49 6913803430 PIN: 21827592#

Följ den webbsända presentationen live på:
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Presentation kommer att finnas tillgänglig för nedladdning på:



Baker McKenzie är legal rådgivare och BDO är finansiella rådgivare till Readly i samband med Förvärvet.

Ansvarig part

Denna information utgör insiderinformation som Readly är skyldig att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning 596/2014. Informationen i detta pressmeddelande har publicerats genom nedanstående kontaktpersons försorg, vid den tidpunkt som anges av Readlys nyhetsdistributör Cision vid publiceringen av detta pressmeddelande. Nedanstående person kan också kontaktas för ytterligare information.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:

Rasmus Blomqvist
Head of Investor Relations
Tel: +46 70 233 53 67


Johan Adalberth
Tel: +46 727 27 50 70


Om Readly
Readly är marknadsledare i Europa inom kategorin digitala magasin. Företaget erbjuder en digital prenumerationstjänst som ger kunderna obegränsad tillgång till 5 000 nationella och internationella magasin – allt i en app och till en fast månadskostnad. Readly har prenumeranter i 50 länder och innehåll tillgängligt på 17 olika språk. I samarbete med 900 förlag världen över driver Readly digitaliseringen av magasinindustrin. Under 2020 uppgick omsättningen till 353 MSEK. Sedan september 2020 är Readlys aktie noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm Midcap.

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Årsredovisning 2023 Thinc Collective AB (publ)




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Idag tisdagen den 23/4 2024 publicerar Thinc Collective AB (publ) årsredovisningen för 2023.

Årsredovisningen finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida

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Årsredovisning 2023 Thinc Collective AB (publ)




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Idag tisdagen den 23/4 2024 publicerar Thinc Collective AB (publ) årsredovisningen för 2023.

Årsredovisningen finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida

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  • Consolidated Revenues of $21.7B, Compared to $22.9B Last Year
  • Consolidated Operating Margin of 7.4%; Adjusted* Consolidated Operating Margin of 8.0%
  • Diluted EPS of $1.30; Adj. Diluted EPS of $1.43, Compared to $2.20 Last Year
  • Reaffirms Full-Year 2024 Financial Guidance

ATLANTA – April 23, 2024 – UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced first-quarter 2024 consolidated revenues of $21.7 billion, a 5.3% decrease from the first quarter of 2023. Consolidated operating profit was $1.6 billion, down 36.5% compared to the first quarter of 2023, and down 31.5% on an adjusted basis. Diluted earnings per share were $1.30 for the quarter; adjusted diluted earnings per share of $1.43 were 35.0% below the same period in 2023. 

For the first quarter of 2024, GAAP results include a total charge of $110 million, or $0.13 per diluted share, comprised of after-tax transformation and other charges of $75 million and a non-cash, after-tax impairment charge of $35 million, driven by plans to consolidate certain acquired brands within the company’s healthcare portfolio.

“I want to thank all UPSers for their hard work and efforts,” said Carol Tomé, UPS chief executive officer. “Our financial performance in the first quarter was in line with our expectations, and average daily volume in the U.S. showed improvement through the quarter. Looking ahead, we expect to return to volume and revenue growth.”

U.S. Domestic Segment

1Q 2024 Adjusted1Q 2024 1Q 2023 Adjusted1Q 2023
Revenue $14,234 M $14,987 M
Operating profit $825 M $839 M $1,466 M $1,488 M
  • Revenue decreased 5.0%, driven by a 3.2% decrease in average daily volume.
  • Operating margin was 5.8%; adjusted operating margin was 5.9%.

International Segment

1Q 2024 Adjusted1Q 2024 1Q 2023 Adjusted1Q 2023
Revenue $4,256 M $4,543 M
Operating profit $656 M $682 M $828 M $806 M
  • Revenue decreased 6.3%, driven by a 5.8% decrease in average daily volume.
  • Operating margin was 15.4%; adjusted operating margin was 16.0%.

Supply Chain Solutions1

1Q 2024 Adjusted1Q 2024 1Q 2023 Adjusted1Q 2023
Revenue $3,216 M $3,395 M
Operating profit $132 M $226 M $247 M $258 M

1 Consists of operating segments that do not meet the criteria of a reportable segment under ASC Topic 280 – Segment Reporting.

  • Revenue decreased 5.3% primarily due to market rate declines in forwarding.
  • Operating margin was 4.1%; adjusted operating margin was 7.0%.

2024 Outlook

The company provides certain guidance on an adjusted (non-GAAP) basis because it is not possible to predict or provide a reconciliation reflecting the impact of future pension adjustments or other unanticipated events, which would be included in reported (GAAP) results and could be material.

For 2024, UPS reaffirms its full-year, consolidated financial targets:

  • Consolidated revenue to range from approximately $92.0 billion to $94.5 billion
  • Consolidated adjusted operating margin to range from approximately 10.0% to 10.6%
  • Capital expenditures of approximately $4.5 billion

* “Adjusted” or “Adj.” amounts are non-GAAP financial measures. See the appendix to this release for a discussion of non-GAAP financial measures, including a reconciliation to the most closely correlated GAAP measure.


UPS Media Relations: 404-828-7123 or

UPS Investor Relations: 404-828-6059 (option 4) or

# # #

Conference Call Information

UPS CEO Carol Tomé and CFO Brian Newman will discuss first-quarter results with investors and analysts during a conference call at 8:30 a.m. ET, April 23, 2024. That call will be open to others through a live Webcast. To access the call, go to and click on “Earnings Conference Call.” Additional financial information is included in the detailed financial schedules being posted on under “Quarterly Earnings and Financials” and as furnished to the SEC as an exhibit to our Current Report on Form 8-K.

About UPS

UPS (NYSE: UPS) is one of the world’s largest companies, with 2023 revenue of $91.0 billion, and provides a broad range of integrated logistics solutions for customers in more than 200 countries and territories. Focused on its purpose statement, “Moving our world forward by delivering what matters,” the company’s approximately 500,000 employees embrace a strategy that is simply stated and powerfully executed: Customer First. People Led. Innovation Driven. UPS is committed to reducing its impact on the environment and supporting the communities we serve around the world. UPS also takes an unwavering stance in support of diversity, equity and inclusion. More information can be found at, and

Forward-Looking Statements

This release, our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission contain and in the future may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements other than those of current or historical fact, and all statements accompanied by terms such as “will,” “believe,” “project,” “expect,” “estimate,” “assume,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “target,” “plan,” and similar terms, are intended to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made subject to the safe harbor provisions of the federal securities laws pursuant to Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

From time to time, we also include written or oral forward-looking statements in other publicly disclosed materials. Forward-looking statements may relate to our intent, belief, forecasts of, or current expectations about our strategic direction, prospects, future results, or future events; they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. Management believes that these forward-looking statements are reasonable as and when made. However, caution should be taken not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements because such statements speak only as of the date when made and the future, by its very nature, cannot be predicted with certainty.

Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from our historical experience and our present expectations or anticipated results. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: changes in general economic conditions in the U.S. or internationally; significant competition on a local, regional, national and international basis; changes in our relationships with our significant customers; our ability to attract and retain qualified employees; strikes, work stoppages or slowdowns by our employees; increased or more complex physical or operational security requirements; a significant cybersecurity incident, or increased data protection regulations; our ability to maintain our brand image and corporate reputation; impacts from global climate change; interruptions in or impacts on our business from natural or man-made events or disasters including terrorist attacks, epidemics or pandemics; exposure to changing economic, political, regulatory and social developments in international and emerging markets; our ability to realize the anticipated benefits from acquisitions, dispositions, joint ventures or strategic alliances; the effects of changing prices of energy, including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, other fuels and interruptions in supplies of these commodities; changes in exchange rates or interest rates; our ability to accurately forecast our future capital investment needs; increases in our expenses or funding obligations relating to employee health, retiree health and/or pension benefits; our ability to manage insurance and claims expenses; changes in business strategy, government regulations or economic or market conditions that may result in impairments of our assets; potential additional U.S. or international tax liabilities; potential claims or litigation related to labor and employment, personal injury, property damage, business practices, environmental liability and other matters; and other risks discussed in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and subsequently filed reports. You should consider the limitations on, and risks associated with, forward-looking statements and not unduly rely on the accuracy of predictions contained in such forward-looking statements. We do not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances, changes in expectations, or the occurrence of unanticipated events after the date of those statements, except as required by law.

From time to time, we expect to participate in analyst and investor conferences. Materials provided or displayed at those conferences, such as slides and presentations, may be posted on our investor relations website at under the heading ”Presentations” when made available. These presentations may contain new material nonpublic information about our company and you are encouraged to monitor this site for any new posts, as we may use this mechanism as a public announcement.

Reconciliation of GAAP and Non-GAAP Financial Measures

We supplement the reporting of our financial information determined under generally accepted accounting principles (”GAAP”) with certain non-GAAP financial measures.

Adjusted financial measures should be considered in addition to, and not as an alternative for, our reported results prepared in accordance with GAAP. Our adjusted financial measures do not represent a comprehensive basis of accounting and therefore may not be comparable to similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

Forward-Looking Non-GAAP Metrics

From time to time when presenting forward-looking non-GAAP metrics, we are unable to provide quantitative reconciliations to the most closely correlated GAAP measure due to the uncertainty in the timing, amount or nature of any adjustments, which could be material in any period.

Incentive Compensation Program Design Changes

During 2022, we completed certain structural changes to the design of our incentive compensation programs that resulted in a one-time, non-cash charge in connection with the accelerated vesting of certain equity incentive awards that we do not expect to repeat. We supplement the presentation of our operating profit, operating margin, income before income taxes, net income and earnings per share with non-GAAP measures that exclude the impact of these changes. We believe excluding the impacts of such changes allows users of our financial statements to more appropriately identify underlying growth trends in compensation and benefits expense.

Long-lived Asset Estimated Residual Value Changes

During the fourth quarter of 2022, we incurred a one-time, non-cash charge resulting from a reduction in the estimated residual value of our MD-11 fleet. We supplement the presentation of our operating profit, operating margin, income before income taxes, net income and earnings per share with non-GAAP measures that exclude the impact of this charge. We believe excluding the impact of this charge better enables users of our financial statements to understand the ongoing cost associated with our long-lived assets.

Transformation and Other Costs, and Asset Impairment Charges

We supplement the presentation of our operating profit, operating margin, income before income taxes, net income and earnings per share with non-GAAP measures that exclude the impact of charges related to transformation activities, asset impairments and other charges. We believe excluding the impact of these charges better enables users of our financial statements to view and evaluate underlying business performance from the perspective of management. We do not consider these costs when evaluating the operating performance of our business units, making decisions to allocate resources or in determining incentive compensation awards.

One-Time Compensation Payment

We supplement the presentation of our operating profit, operating margin, income before income taxes, net income and earnings per share with non-GAAP measures that exclude the impact of a one-time payment made to certain U.S.-based, non-union part-time supervisors following the ratification of our labor agreement with the Teamsters. We do not expect this or similar payments to recur. We believe excluding the impact of this one-time payment better enables users of our financial statements to view and evaluate underlying business performance from the same perspective as management.

Defined Benefit Pension and Postretirement Medical Plan Gains and Losses

We recognize changes in the fair value of plan assets and net actuarial gains and losses in excess of a 10% corridor (defined as 10% of the greater of the fair value of plan assets or the plan’s projected benefit obligation), as well as gains and losses resulting from plan curtailments and settlements, for our pension and postretirement defined benefit plans immediately as part of Investment income (expense) and other in the statements of consolidated income. We supplement the presentation of our income before income taxes, net income and earnings per share with adjusted measures that exclude the impact of these gains and losses and the related income tax effects. We believe excluding these defined benefit pension and postretirement plan gains and losses provides important supplemental information by removing the volatility associated with plan amendments and short-term changes in market interest rates, equity values and similar factors.

Free Cash Flow

We calculate free cash flow as cash flows from operating activities less capital expenditures, proceeds from disposals of property, plant and equipment, and plus or minus the net changes in other investing activities. We believe free cash flow is an important indicator of how much cash is generated by our ongoing business operations and we use this as a measure of incremental cash available to invest in our business, meet our debt obligations and return cash to shareowners.

Adjusted Return on Invested Capital

Adjusted ROIC is calculated as the trailing twelve months (“TTM”) of adjusted operating income divided by the average of total debt, non-current pension and postretirement benefit obligations and shareowners’ equity, at the current period end and the corresponding period end of the prior year. Because adjusted ROIC is not a measure defined by GAAP, we calculate it, in part, using non-GAAP financial measures that we believe are most indicative of our ongoing business performance. We consider adjusted ROIC to be a useful measure for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of our long-term capital investments.

Adjusted Total Debt / Adjusted EBITDA

Adjusted total debt is defined as our long-term debt and finance leases, including current maturities, plus non-current pension and postretirement benefit obligations. Adjusted EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization adjusted for the impacts of incentive compensation program redesign, one-time compensation, goodwill & asset impairment charges, transformation and other costs, defined benefit plan gains and losses and other income. We believe the ratio of adjusted total debt to adjusted EBITDA is an important indicator of our financial strength, and is a ratio used by third parties when evaluating the level of our indebtedness.

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