AstraZeneca launches Evinova, a health-tech business to accelerate innovation across the life sciences sector, the delivery of clinical trials and better health outcomes
Evinova will operate as a separate health-tech business within AstraZeneca. Evinova’s globally-scaled digital health solutions are evidence-led, science-based and human experience-driven to serve clinical trial sponsors, clinical research organisations (CROs), clinical trial site care teams and patients. First strategic collaborations with globally-leading CROs Parexel and Fortrea enable Evinova’s digital health solutions to be offered to their wide customer base.
AstraZeneca today launches Evinova, set to be a leading provider of digital health solutions to better meet the needs of healthcare professionals, regulators and patients. With long-term backing from AstraZeneca and strategic collaborations with Parexel and Fortrea, Evinova offers globally-scaled digital products and services to the life sciences and healthcare sector.
Evinova will prioritise bringing to market established and scaled digital technology solutions already being used globally by AstraZeneca to optimise clinical trial design and delivery. This will reduce the time and cost of developing new medicines, bring care closer to home for patients and reduce the burden on health systems. Evinova will also pursue opportunities in digital remote patient monitoring and digital therapeutics with a pipeline of digital innovations in these areas.
Drawing on AstraZeneca’s deep experience of developing novel therapeutics and with insights from thousands of patients and clinical researchers, Evinova will provide established technology solutions to pharma, biotech and CROs to support clinical research globally. The technologies have already been used in the successful delivery of multiple AstraZeneca-sponsored clinical trials in over 40 countries.
Pascal Soriot, Chief Executive Officer, AstraZeneca, said: “The future of medicine development can be accelerated with digital solutions. We believe Evinova’s combination of scientific expertise and track record in developing AI-enabled digital technologies at scale, provides a real opportunity to fundamentally improve patient care, drive healthcare transformation and reduce carbon emissions.”
Cristina Duran, President of Evinova, said: “We are excited to bring the portfolio of globally-scaled digital solutions developed to serve AstraZeneca’s drug development pipeline to the wider life sciences community. We believe this will help propel the sector forward in digital health, as we know healthcare professionals and regulators need digital solutions that work across pharma and support patients broadly. Coming from within the sector and with proven experience, Evinova will be uniquely placed to deliver science-based, evidence-led and human experience-driven solutions with the aim of improving patient experience and outcomes.”
Globally-leading CROs Parexel and Fortrea have entered into agreements to offer Evinova digital health solutions to their wide customer base. To accelerate industry adoption and sustain and expand the global reach of its digital products, Evinova is collaborating with Accenture and Amazon Web Services.
Evinova will combine clinical and regulatory experience gained at AstraZeneca with its deep expertise in digital technology spanning strategy and development, digital product development, data science and AI, user experience design and behavioural science. In addition to digital solutions, Evinova will offer custom scientific solutions, including remote patient monitoring and novel endpoint solutions, as well as trial design and consulting services.
Evinova products and solutions
Evinova has co-created with patients the Evinova drug development suite, a suite of digital solutions that aims to bring benefits to all participants – patients, healthcare professionals and researchers. The suite includes:
Evinova unified trial solution: A global GxP-validated solution for patients, clinical trial site staff and clinical trial sponsor staff to improve delivery of clinical trials. It enables the delivery of traditional, hybrid and decentralised clinical trials while enhancing the patient experience. The unified trial solution supports direct collection of primary and secondary endpoint data including novel digitally-enabled endpoints and connected medical devices and sensors at both the trial site and patient’s home. It also supports services for virtual visits including direct-to-patient delivery of medicines, telehealth, remote patient monitoring and human biological sample tracking. Patient interaction is available through an easy-to-use, engaging patient app available in more than 40 countries and 80 languages. Site interaction is available through a single-sign-on portal.
Evinova study design and planning: Uses AI and machine learning algorithms to aide clinical development and operations teams to design the optimal study considering critical design variables. Teams can design their study, get automatic costings and assess operational feasibility based on actual data from that indication at a country and site level. They can view historic data and forecast future trends. The module also contains models to estimate the study’s carbon footprint and impact on patient experience. Teams can accelerate decision-making through collaboration and scenario comparison capabilities.
Evinova portfolio management: Supports clinical programme and trial management, reporting and governance through transparent real-time insights and predictive analytics. It provides a complete picture of the portfolio across all phases and allows for tracking of clinical programmes and trials at global, regional, country and site level. It uses predictive algorithms to provide future key milestones, enabling study leaders to understand deviations from plans and supporting appropriate intervention.
Digital health
The application of digital health technologies is seen as a solution to reduce healthcare costs, while also helping to improve patient experience and outcomes. Starting from around 6% of GDP in 2006-10, the combined public health and long-term care expenditure for OECD countries is projected to reach at least 9.5% in 2060. In BRIICS countries, spending ratios will also increase significantly, reaching around 10% of GDP by 2060 unless cost-containment policies are implemented.1 Based on 2018 healthcare spend information, McKinsey estimates that digital health interventions alone have the potential to save the US healthcare system nearly $500bn if fully adopted.2
Digital health is a large (+$900bn by 2032) and growing (13.6% CAGR 2022-2032) market. The market for R&D digital health and care delivery with remote patient monitoring, together make up approximately 60% of the total digital health market3. The remaining 40% consists of screening and diagnostics, wellness and disease prevention, supply of therapies and digital pharmacies.
Digital health technology and clinical research
A significant part of the cost and time of the drug development process is in the clinical trials, rather than designing molecules. However, they are vital to the drug development and approval process and critical in enabling access to innovative medicines. Studies estimate that it now costs up to $2bn to bring a new drug to market4 and according to one study the average length of time from the start of clinical testing to approval is 7.1 years.5 Across the industry, almost 80% of clinical trials fail to meet recruiting timelines6 and only 3-5% of eligible cancer patients join a clinical trial.7 Many groups, including marginalised racial and ethnic groups, women, and other populations are underrepresented in clinical trials.8
A recent AstraZeneca article published in Nature Medicine, lead author Cristina Duran, demonstrated that the implementation of digital health technology in clinical trials can improve the patient experience with accelerated timelines and reduced costs.9
AstraZeneca (LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN) is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialisation of prescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases, and BioPharmaceuticals, including Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. Based in Cambridge, UK, AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. Please visit and follow the Company on Social Media @AstraZeneca.
Evinova is a health-tech business, accelerating the delivery of better health outcomes by propelling the life sciences sector forward in digital health, from the inside. Through our application of science-based expertise, evidence-led rigour, and human experience-driven insight, our digital solutions are deliberately designed so that everyone can reach better health outcomes together. Evinova is a health-tech business within the AstraZeneca Group.
For details on how to contact the Investor Relations Team, please clickhere. For Media contacts, click here.
- OECD. What future for health spending? Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- McKinsey & Company. Healthtech in the fast lane: What is fueling investor excitement? Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Precedence Research. Digital Health Market (By Component: Software, Hardware, and Services; By Technology: Telehealthcare [Telehealth and Telecare], mHealth [Apps and Wearables], Digital Health Systems [E-prescribing Systems and Electronic Health Records], and Health Analytics) – Global Market Size, Trends Analysis, Segment Forecasts, Regional Outlook 2023 – 2032. Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Deloitte. Deloitte pharma study: Drop-off in returns on R&D investments. Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Deloitte. Deloitte pharma study: Drop-off in returns on R&D investments. Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Clinical Trials Arena. Clinical trial delays: America’s patient recruitment dilemma. Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Baquet, C.R., Commiskey, P., Daniel Mullins, C., Mishra, S.I., Recruitment and participation in clinical trials: socio-demographic, rural/urban, and health care access predictors. Cancer Detect Prev. 2006;30(1):24-33. Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Schwartz, A.L, Aslan, M., Morris, A.M., Halpern, S.D., Why diverse clinical trial participation matters. N Engl J Med 2023; 388:1252-1254. Available at: Accessed November 2023.
- Durán, C.O., Bonam, M., Björk, E. et al. Implementation of digital health technology in clinical trials: the 6R framework. Nat Med (2023). Available at: Accessed November 2023.
Nordea Bank Abp: Återköp av egna aktier den 02.01.2025
Nordea Bank Abp
Börsmeddelande – Förändringar i återköpta aktier
02.01.2025 kl. 22.30 EET
Nordea Bank Abp (LEI-kod: 529900ODI3047E2LIV03) har den 02.01.2025 slutfört återköp av egna aktier (ISIN-kod: FI4000297767) enligt följande:
Handelsplats (MIC-kod) |
Antal aktier |
Viktad snittkurs/aktie, euro*, ** |
Kostnad, euro*, ** |
144 168 |
10,58 |
1 524 648,68 |
114 149 |
10,56 |
1 204 871,58 |
28 168 |
10,57 |
297 665,01 |
Summa |
286 485 |
10,57 |
3 027 185,27 |
* Växelkurser som använts: SEK till EUR 11,4591 och DKK till EUR 7,4576
** Avrundat till två decimaler
Den 17 oktober 2024 tillkännagav Nordea ett program för återköp av egna aktier till ett värde av högst 250 mn euro med stöd av det bemyndigande som gavs av Nordeas ordinarie bolagsstämma 2024. Återköpet av egna aktier utförs genom offentlig handel i enlighet med Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) nr 596/2014 av den 16 april 2014 (marknadsmissbruksförordningen) och Kommissionens delegerade förordning (EU) 2016/1052.
Efter de redovisade transaktionerna innehar Nordea 2 714 901 egna aktier för kapitaloptimeringsändamål och 11 513 966 egna aktier för ersättningsändamål.
Uppgifter om respektive transaktion finns som en bilaga till detta meddelande.
För Nordea Bank Abp:s räkning,
Morgan Stanley Europé SE
För ytterligare information:
Ilkka Ottoila, chef för investerarrelationer, +358 9 5300 7058
Mediefrågor, +358 10 416 8023 eller
SyntheticMR fullbordar förvärvet av Combinostis Oy
SyntheticMR AB (”SyntheticMR” eller ”Bolaget”) har idag, den 2 januari 2025, fullbordat förvärvet av samtliga aktier i finska Combinostics Oy (”Combinostics”) i enlighet med vad som kommunicerades den 28 november 2024. Köpeskillingen uppgår till totalt 4,3 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 49,6 miljoner kronor[1]), varav cirka 3,93 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 45,3 miljoner kronor) erläggs genom kontantlikvid, och resterande del om cirka 0,37 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 4,3 miljoner kronor) genom en revers som kvittas mot konvertibler. Konverteringskursen för konvertiblerna kommer att vara 12 kronor och konvertiblerna kommer att konverteras automatiskt till aktier efter publiceringen av Bolagets kvartalsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2027, dock senast den 30 november 2027.
[1] Beräknat utifrån en EUR/SEK växelkurs om 11,5401.
SynthethicMR AB har idag förvärvat samtliga aktier och värdepapper i det finska bolaget Combinostics i enlighet med vad som kommunicerades den 28 november 2024. Combinostics är en ledande aktör inom medicinteknik och programvarulösningar, med fokus på molnbaserade och AI-drivna plattformar som erbjuder avancerade diagnostiska verktyg och kliniskt beslutsstöd för vårdgivare. Förvärvet utgör ett strategiskt steg i SyntheticMRs tillväxtplan och är utformat för att stärka Bolagets marknadsposition och framtida konkurrenskraft genom att kombinera de två bolagens teknologi och expertis.
Den totala köpeskillingen för förvärvet uppgår till 4,3 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 49,6 miljoner kronor). Av denna summa har cirka 3,93 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 45,3 miljoner kronor) erlagts genom kontant betalning vid tillträdet, varav 0,86 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 9,9 miljoner kronor) kommer att placeras i escrow under ett år från tillträdet, medan resterande belopp om cirka 0,37 miljoner euro (motsvarande cirka 4,3 miljoner kronor) regleras genom en revers. Reversen har kvittats mot nyemitterade konvertibler i SyntheticMR. Konvertiblerna emitteras till en konverteringskurs om 12 kronor per aktie och kommer att konverteras automatiskt till aktier i SyntheticMR efter publiceringen av Bolagets kvartalsrapport för tredje kvartalet 2027, dock senast den 30 november 2027. Vid full konvertering av emitterade konvertibler kommer antalet aktier i Bolaget att öka med 356 907 aktier och aktiekapitalet med 7 923,3354 kronor, vilket innebär en utspädning om cirka 0,85 procent.
Foyen Advokatfirma är legal rådgivare till SyntheticMR i samband med förvärvet.
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Johanna Norén, CFO och Head of Investor Relations
Telefon: + 46 70 619 21 00
SyntheticMR AB utvecklar och marknadsför innovativa mjukvarulösningar för Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). SyntheticMR AB har utvecklat SyMRI®, som levererar flera justerbara kontrastbilder och kvantitativa data från en enda 5-minutersskanning. SyMRI-produkten finns i olika förpackningar. SyMRI NEURO levererar flera kontrastbilder, vävnadssegmentering och kvantitativ data om hjärnan. SyMRI MSK ger flera kontrastbilder och kvantitativa data för knä- och ryggradsanatomier. SyMRI NEURO är CE-märkt och FDA 510(k) godkänd och SyMRI MSK är CE-märkt. SyMRI är ett registrerat varumärke i Europa och USA. SyntheticMR är noterat på Spotlight Stock Market Exchange i Stockholm, Sverige. För mer information, besök
Scandinavian Credit Fund I AB (publ) – Offentliggör NAV-kurs 60,73 för december 2024
Stockholm 2 januari 2025 – Scandinavian Credit Fund I AB (publ), (nedan kallat Fonden), i vilken allmänheten och institutionella investerare erbjudits teckna Vinstandelslån.
Vinstandelslånen är noterat på Nordic AIF Sweden-segmentet under Main Regulated vid Nordic Growth Market NGM AB (NGM) i Stockholm.
Under december återbetalades 85 Mkr motsvarande 5% av fondens NAV vilket ger att avkastningen under månaden uppgick till +0,94%
Vänligen se länk nedan för tidigare kommunikation gällande NAV-förändringen till följd av utbetalningen till andelsägarna.
För frågor och FAQ (längst ned på sidan):
Hittar du inte svar på eventuella frågor? Vänligen kontakta
Fonden offentliggör NAV-kurs för december 2024
– Fondens NAV-kurs är satt till 60,73
(NAV kursen anges i procent av nominellt belopp)
Denna information är sådan som Scandinavian Credit Fund I är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning (EU nr 596/2014). Informationen lämnades, genom angiven kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande 2025-01-02 16:56 CET.
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Gustav Lindgren,
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