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Storbritanniens utrikesminister uppmärksammar nedbrytbara fisknät av svenskt material i policytal



Storbritanniens nya utrikesminister David Lammy höll nyligen sitt stora policytal om klimatkrisen. Här nämnde han nedbrytbara fiskenät som ett exempel på initiativ som gjorts möjliga tack vare brittiska satsningar. Näten har tagits fram i Sydafrika av ett svenskt material och kan på sikt helt ta bort problemet med spöknät i haven.

(Bild: Konrad Rosén – utvecklingschef Gaia Biomaterials, med det nedbrytbara fisknätet)

Det är det svenska företaget Gaia Biomaterials i Helsingborg som utvecklat plastersättningen Biodolomer som näten tillverkas av. Materialet är komposterbart och ger inga mikroplaster. Biodolomer används bland annat till bärkassar, förkläden inom vården och sugrör.

Under ett antal år har företaget tillsammans med sydafrikanska Catchgreen och med stöd från brittiska UD arbetat med att ta fram en version av materialet för fiskeindustrin: Biodolomer Ocean.

– Fiskenät som hamnar i haven är ett enormt problem, säger Konrad Rosén som är utvecklingschef på Gaia Biomaterials.

– De kan flyta runt i 100-tals år och blir en dödsfälla för djuren i haven, samtidigt som de avger mikroplaster.

Gaia Biomaterials nya material har testats i Afrika under flera år och har bland annat använts för insjöfiske, sjögräs- och korallodling i Kenya. Ett land som infört mycket strikta regleringar av all plastanvändning.

Nyligen är det allra första kompletta nätet färdigt, och det visades i dagarna på en internationell fiskerimässa på Island.

– Det finns i stort sett inget motstånd mot de här näten och ingen konkurrens, säger säger Konrad Rosén.

– Hela branschen vet att det är en överlevnadsfråga att komma till rätta med den nedskräpning man orsakar.

Se när David Lammy nämner fiskenäten här:


För mer information kontakta:

Peter Stenström

‭+46 70-885 34 37‬

GAIA Biomaterials AB är ett svenskt företag som utvecklat ett material vid namn Biodolomer. Biodolomer är ett komposterbart och helt nedbrytningsbart material som kan användas till de flesta användningsområden där plast idag är det vanligaste alternativet. Till exempel bärkassar, engångsbestick/tallrikar/muggar, förkläden, flaskor och mycket annat. GAIA Biomaterials har huvudkontor och produktion i Helsingborg,

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Hantverkshjälpen Launches TimeFlow: A Business System Designed for the Craftsmanship Industry to Save Time, Reduce Errors, and Minimize Workplace Accidents




Hantverkshjälpen has developed TimeFlow, a cutting-edge business system tailored specifically for the craftsmanship industry. This innovative solution is designed to streamline operations, significantly reduce errors, and enhance workplace safety. By automating key processes and improving accuracy, TimeFlow helps craftsmen save valuable time and create a safer, more efficient work environment.

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige offers a comprehensive suite of solutions and services tailored to the needs of the craftsmanship industry. Our flagship product, TimeFlow, is a state-of-the-art business system designed to optimize various aspects of your operations. Here’s what we provide:

Solutions and Services Offered:

  1. Advanced Time Tracking: TimeFlow enables precise tracking and management of working hours, providing a clear overview of project time allocations and simplifying accurate invoicing.

  2. Project Management: Our system includes robust project management tools that allow you to plan, monitor, and control your projects efficiently. You can create detailed project plans, assign tasks, and track progress in real time.

  3. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): TimeFlow centralizes customer communication, documentation, and follow-ups, enhancing your ability to manage relationships and improve client satisfaction.

  4. Invoicing and Financial Management: The system features an automated invoicing process, reducing errors and saving time. It also offers financial reporting and analysis tools to keep your business finances in check.

  5. Integration Capabilities: TimeFlow integrates seamlessly with other software and systems you may already be using, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing your operational efficiency.

  6. Professional Support and Training: Hantverkshjälpen provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to help you fully leverage TimeFlow’s features. Our goal is to ensure that you get the most out of our system and that your business runs smoothly.

  7. Safety and Compliance: TimeFlow is designed to enhance workplace safety by reducing errors and streamlining processes, contributing to a safer and more compliant work environment.

By choosing Hantverkshjälpen Sverige and TimeFlow, you invest in a powerful, tailored solution that supports your business’s growth, efficiency, and safety.

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige AB
Storgatan 11 B

171 63  SOLNA
Växel: 08-800 900


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Varning: Ett Grymt Affärssystem – TIMFLOW från Hantverkshjälpen Sverige 4o




Detta är ingen byggskojare, utan ett seriöst affärssystem. TIMFLOW från Hantverkshjälpen Sverige erbjuder en robust och pålitlig lösning för hantverkare och byggföretag som vill effektivisera sin verksamhet.

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige står som ett bevis på att seriösa affärslösningar inte behöver vara ett pyramidspel. Vi erbjuder TIMFLOW, ett avancerat affärssystem som är skräddarsytt för hantverkare och byggföretag. Vårt mål är att stödja ditt företag med en pålitlig och effektiv plattform som förenklar administrationen, förbättrar kundrelationer och optimerar din verksamhet. Med TIMFLOW får du inte bara ett verktyg – du får en partner som genuint vill se ditt företag växa och lyckas. Vi är här för att hjälpa dig att utveckla ert företag.

Med TimeFlow spar ni massor av tid och ökar er effektivitet och får ett smidigare företag. Med Varningssignaler som stödjer era kontroll funktioner kring KMA-arbetet, systemet står stadigt likt pyramiderna och ger Er bra lösningar. Skojigare och bättre system och lösning är svårt att få. 

Hantverkshjälpen Sverige AB
Storgatan 11 B

171 63  SOLNA
Växel: 08-800 900


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FluMist approved for self-administration in the US




Only influenza vaccine approved for self- or caregiver-administration at home, expanding options for influenza protection.

FluMist has been approved in the US as the only self-administered influenza vaccine. FluMist, a needle-free nasal spray, was approved to be self-administered by adults up to 49 years of age or administered by a parent/caregiver to individuals 2-17 years of age.1

The approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was based on a comprehensive submission, which included results from a usability study demonstrating that individuals over 18 years of age could self-administer or administer FluMist to eligible individuals 2-49 years of age.1   

Ravi Jhaveri, MD, Division Head, Infectious Disease; Virginia H. Rogers Professor in Infectious Diseases, Professor of Pediatrics (Infectious Diseases), Northwestern University School of Medicine, Chicago, US, said: ”For the first time, families and caregivers will be able to protect themselves against influenza with a needle-free, self-administered vaccine, from the convenience of their own home. Each year, influenza poses a significant burden for people, society and health systems; additional tools to increase access to vaccinations, while also reducing disparities, are critical.”

Iskra Reic, Executive Vice President, Vaccines and Immune Therapies, AstraZeneca, said: “The approval of FluMist for self-administration is an important step forward in making vaccines more accessible to fight the high annual burden of influenza. For more than 20 years, FluMist has been the only nasal spray flu vaccine licensed in the US and now it is also the only vaccine to help individuals, families and communities access an influenza vaccine conveniently through self- and caregiver administration outside of traditional healthcare settings.”

Seasonal influenza causes up to 1 billion infections each year and may result in severe outcomes for about 3-5 million patients including hospitalisations, complications and death.2 Influenza has been shown to impact school attendance and employment with 47% of days of school and 1-2 days of work missed annually.3,4 Vaccination rates for influenza have declined in adults in the US since the 2020–21 season by 3.3%.5 In a US survey, a common reason for adults not to receive a vaccination included failure to attend regular well-care visits, while having access to at-home vaccination options were shown to potentially increase influenza vaccination uptake.6

Once available, individuals 18 and older will be able to have FluMist delivered directly to their homes via FluMist Home. FluMist Home will utilise an online pharmacy where eligible individuals complete a questionnaire that is reviewed by a pharmacist prior to receiving their vaccine for shipment FluMist will continue to be available in offices and pharmacies for administration by healthcare professionals. More information is available at


On average, about 8% of the US population becomes ill from influenza each season, with a range of between 3 percent and 11 percent, depending on the season.7 During the 2022-2023 influenza season, an estimated 31 million people developed illness from influenza, 14 million visited a healthcare provider for influenza, with 360,000 hospitalisations, and 21,000 deaths.8

About FluMist Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine
FluMist is a live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), which is administered as a nasal spray for the prevention of influenza. FluMist is an Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended influenza vaccine option. FluMist was originally approved in the US in 2003 and since then almost 200 million doses have been distributed around the world.1

Human Factors Usability Study for FluMist Self Administration
In FDA-required human factors/usability studies, AstraZeneca evaluated if individuals 18 through 49 years of age could appropriately administer FluMist when given instructions for use. The results showed that 100% of intended users administered a full dose. In addition, data show that efficacy, immunogenicity and adverse events with self-administration of FluMist are similar to that seen with HCP-administered vaccination.1,9 The FluMist label has been updated to provide additional instructions for ordering and administration for eligible self and caregiver use. Children 2-8 years of age with an uncertain vaccination history may not be eligible for caregiver use and should consult their healthcare provider for further information.1  

AstraZeneca (LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN) is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, and commercialisation of prescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases, and BioPharmaceuticals, including Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism, and Respiratory & Immunology. Based in Cambridge, UK, AstraZeneca’s innovative medicines are sold in more than 125 countries and used by millions of patients worldwide. Please visit and follow the Company on social media @AstraZeneca.

For details on how to contact the Investor Relations Team, please click here. For Media contacts, click here.


  1. FluMist Prescribing Information. March 2024.
  2. World Health Organization. Influenza (Seasonal. URL:,infections%20are%20in%20developing%20countries.
  3. McLean, HQ, Peterson, SH, King, JP, Meece, JK, and Belongia, EA. School absenteeism among school-aged children with medically attended acute viral respiratory illness during three influenza seasons, 2012-2013 through 2014-2015. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 2017; 11, 220–229.
  4. Blanchet Zumofen, MH., Frimpter, J. & Hansen, S.A. Impact of Influenza and Influenza-Like Illness on Work Productivity Outcomes: A Systematic Literature Review. PharmacoEconomics 41, 253–273 (2023).
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Flu Vaccination Coverage, United States, 2022–23 Influenza Season. URL:
  6. Anderson EL. Recommended solutions to the barriers to immunization in children and adults. Mo Med. 2014 Jul-Aug;111(4):344-8. PMID: 25211867; PMCID: PMC6179470.
  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Key Facts About Influenza (Flu). URL:
  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preliminary Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States — 2022–2023 Influenza Season. URL:
  9. Burgess, T.H., Murray, C.K., Bavaro, M.F., Landrum, M.L., O’bryan, T., Rosas, J.G., Cammarata, S.M., Martin, N.J., Ewing, D.F., Raviprakash, K., Mor, D., Zell, E.R., Wilkins, K.J., & Millar, E.V. (2015). Self-administration of intranasal influenza vaccine: Immunogenicity and volunteer acceptance. Vaccine, 33 32, 3894-9 . DOI:10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.06.061
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