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FastOut Int tidigarelägger rapportdatum för kvartalsrapport 3 till den 16 oktober 2017



må, okt 09, 2017 16:06 CET

Styrelsen i FastOut Int AB meddelar att delårsrapporten för kvartal 3 kommer att publiceras den 16 oktober 2017. Rapporten var tidigare planerad att publiceras den 27 oktober 2017. Orsaken till flytten är att bolaget idag meddelade planerna på en företrädesemission och för att all information ska finnas tillgänglig innan teckningstiden inleds tidigareläggs kvartalsrapporten.

För mer information, vänligen kontakta:

Thomas Edselius, CFO FastOut Int.

Om FastOut AB

Drönarbolaget FastOut har som ambition att mappa upp världen med 360° interaktiva drönarvyer och bli världens största IT-plattform som kopplar samman lokala professionella drönarpiloter med kunder. Via den globala självbetjäningsplattformen kan kunder enkelt beställa drönaruppdrag och få tillgång till databasen med 360° drönarvyer som kan skräddarsys efter behov. Den unika IT-plattformen gör det möjligt att bygga effektiva och nyskapande tjänster inom Virtual Reality, digital kommunikation och marknadsföring.

Mer information om bolaget finns på

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Nordea Bank Abp: Återköp av egna aktier den 31.01.2025




Nordea Bank Abp
Börsmeddelande – Förändringar i återköpta aktier
31.01.2025 kl. 22.30 EET

Nordea Bank Abp (LEI-kod: 529900ODI3047E2LIV03) har den 31.01.2025 slutfört återköp av egna aktier (ISIN-kod: FI4000297767) enligt följande:

Handelsplats (MIC-kod)

Antal aktier

Viktad snittkurs/aktie, euro*, **

Kostnad, euro*, **


132 134


1 525 249,19


104 351


1 205 344,47


25 780


297 591,60


262 265


3 028 185,26

* Växelkurser som använts: SEK till EUR 11,4712 och DKK till EUR 7,4621
** Avrundat till två decimaler

Den 17 oktober 2024 tillkännagav Nordea ett program för återköp av egna aktier till ett värde av högst 250 mn euro med stöd av det bemyndigande som gavs av Nordeas ordinarie bolagsstämma 2024. Återköpet av egna aktier utförs genom offentlig handel i enlighet med Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) nr 596/2014 av den 16 april 2014 (marknadsmissbruksförordningen) och Kommissionens delegerade förordning (EU) 2016/1052.

Efter de redovisade transaktionerna innehar Nordea 3 287 232 egna aktier för kapitaloptimeringsändamål och 11 513 966 egna aktier för ersättningsändamål.

Uppgifter om respektive transaktion finns som en bilaga till detta meddelande.

För Nordea Bank Abp:s räkning,
Morgan Stanley Europé SE

För ytterligare information:

Ilkka Ottoila, chef för investerarrelationer, +358 9 5300 7058
Mediefrågor, +358 10 416 8023 eller

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Qlife comments on the CEO of the company getting a sanction from Finansinspektionen




The CEO of Qlife Thomas Warthoe has been sanctioned by Finansinspektionen related to insider information.

The sanction relates to an incident in February 2023 when Thomas Warthoe forwarded an email with details related to a rights issue. The e-mail was forwarded to Peter Warthoe, CSO of the company and Thomas’ brother. Peter Warthoe had previously been part of Qlife management but was no longer part of the management at the time of the forwarding. The rights issue was made public later in February 2023.

The information should not have been forwarded and Thomas Warthoe acknowledges his mistake.

“Peter and I have worked together for more than 20 years, and I forwarded this e-mail as a matter of routine. This was a clear mistake, and I should not have forwarded the e-mail. I have decided to accept the sanction, says Thomas Warthoe CEO of Qlife.

Lars Bangsgaard, the chairman of Qlife comments: “It is of course unfortunate that this happens, I am not particularly happy with this or the timing, but my confidence in Thomas Warthoe as CEO remains intact as I regard the issue as a mistake that can happen when you have worked closely together for so many years. We want to leave this behind us and concentrate on the future”.

For more information please contact:

Thomas Warthoe, CEO
+45 21 63 35 34

Qlife is a Swedish company based in Helsingborg, which develops and markets an innovative medical technology platform, Egoo.Health (“Egoo”), with the goal of giving people access to clinical biomarker data when testing at home. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market (ticker: QLIFE). G&W Fondkommission is the Company’s Certified Adviser. For additional information, please visit

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Qlife comments on the CEO of the company getting a sanction from Finansinspektionen




The CEO of Qlife Thomas Warthoe has been sanctioned by Finansinspektionen related to insider information.

The sanction relates to an incident in February 2023 when Thomas Warthoe forwarded an email with details related to a rights issue. The e-mail was forwarded to Peter Warthoe, CSO of the company and Thomas’ brother. Peter Warthoe had previously been part of Qlife management but was no longer part of the management at the time of the forwarding. The rights issue was made public later in February 2023.

The information should not have been forwarded and Thomas Warthoe acknowledges his mistake.

“Peter and I have worked together for more than 20 years, and I forwarded this e-mail as a matter of routine. This was a clear mistake, and I should not have forwarded the e-mail. I have decided to accept the sanction, says Thomas Warthoe CEO of Qlife.

Lars Bangsgaard, the chairman of Qlife comments: “It is of course unfortunate that this happens, I am not particularly happy with this or the timing, but my confidence in Thomas Warthoe as CEO remains intact as I regard the issue as a mistake that can happen when you have worked closely together for so many years. We want to leave this behind us and concentrate on the future”.

For more information please contact:

Thomas Warthoe, CEO
+45 21 63 35 34

Qlife is a Swedish company based in Helsingborg, which develops and markets an innovative medical technology platform, Egoo.Health (“Egoo”), with the goal of giving people access to clinical biomarker data when testing at home. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market (ticker: QLIFE). G&W Fondkommission is the Company’s Certified Adviser. For additional information, please visit

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