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Qlife provides strategic business update and plans rebranding as ’Egoo Health’ – a new era begins



Qlife Holding AB (publ) (”Qlife” or the ”Company”) is pleased to announce a comprehensive business update in light of recent strategic developments, including directed issues of shares and warrants, the repurchase of key assets from the estate of Qlife ApS, and an upcoming rebranding initiative, signaling the dawn of a new chapter for the Company.

As outlined in the press release dated 29 August 2024, Qlife has successfully executed directed issues of shares and warrants pursuant to the authority granted by the annual general meeting 2024. These directed issues facilitate the repurchase of critical assets from the Qlife ApS estate and secures the funding needed to fully leverage existing collaboration agreements with Hipro Biotechnology (“Hipro”).

Qlife’s board and management have taken decisive steps to reduce the Company’s burn rate to approximately MSEK 0.50 per month. Additionally, the agreement with the Danish bankruptcy estate drastically alleviates the Company’s balance sheet by reducing liabilities. Furthermore, upon approval from the extraordinary general meeting, some members of the board and management will participate in the directed issues of shares and warrants following a proposal from a major external shareholder, Jørgen Drejer, substantially increasing their ownership.


Since December 2023, Qlife has focused on advancing its partnership with Hipro and securing long-term financing for its subsidiary, Qlife ApS. However, on 19 July 2024, the Company announced that, due to significant debt, an unsustainable cost structure, and the lack of a viable long-term financing solution, the board of directors, in consultation with the reconstructor, determined that Qlife ApS had no sustainable path forward and Qlife ApS filed for bankruptcy.

In response to these challenges, Qlife’s board and management have taken decisive steps to strengthen the Company’s financial position and strategic direction. The Company has successfully reduced its burn rate to approximately MSEK 0.50 per month. The bankruptcy of the subsidiary is expected to significantly improve Qlife’s balance sheet by alleviating its debt burden. Additionally, the board completed directed issues of shares and warrant, pursuant to the authority granted by the annual general meeting 2024, further enhancing the Company’s financial flexibility and confirming the interest in Qlife.

The directed issues made it possible for Qlife to enter into an agreement to repurchase key assets from the Qlife ApS estate. These assets, particularly the patented Egoo Health technology, have substantial market potential, especially in the rapidly expanding Hospital-at-home sector. The board remains optimistic about the future, recognizing the value of continued collaboration with Hipro and anticipating that the commercialization of Egoo Health, supported by this partnership, will generate significant revenue in 2025.

With a streamlined company structure, reduced burn rate, and strengthened balance sheet, Qlife is well-positioned to sustain its operations and capitalize on the growing demand for its patented technology.

Directed issues of shares and warrants

Tranche 1 of the directed issues of shares and warrants has been successfully completed, securing an initial MSEK 6.90 for Qlife from external investors and existing shareholders, before deduction of transaction costs. As part of tranche 2, some members of the board and management team has committed to an investment of MSEK 5.05, with MSEK 4.05 offset against deferred consultancy fees, and the remaining MSEK 1.00 contributed in cash. The managements participation in the directed issues of tranche 2 is conditioned on a resolution from an extraordinary general meeting. The raised capital will support the collaboration agreement with Hipro, enhance working capital, and fortify the balance sheet, providing financial stability through the first half of 2025.

Upon resolution of tranche 2 from the extraordinary general meeting, the participating members of the board and management will increase their ownership stake upon the transaction’s completion. This commitment underscores their dedication to the Company’s long-term success and their belief in the technology’s potential. Post-transaction, the participating members of the board and management are expected to hold approximately 28 per cent of the outstanding shares in Qlife. Additionally, the management team has committed to waiving their salaries as part of this initiative. For complete information about the directed issues, please see the press release named “Qlife acquires the assets of Qlife ApS, carries out directed issues of a total of approx. MSEK 6.9 and proposal of directed issues of approx. MSEK 5.05” and dated 29 August 2024.

“We are extremely pleased that it has been possible to complete this transaction and to reorganize the company into a new and more agile structure. For the founders it has never been an option not to continue our effort to bring decentralized blood testing into people’s homes. Egoo Health has been developed over the past five years and is today a highly competitive one-of-a-kind blood testing that delivers diagnostic data on-par with hospital testing. We will now continue our quest towards getting the product into a revenue-stage and we believe we have built a good foundation for this, specially together with our Chinese partner who is contributing significant resources to achieving product approval in China.

It has been important for the founders to underline our commitment to making Egoo Health successful. We have over the years invested significant capital into the company, and we have never sold shares simply because we believe in the long-term value of what we do. Our participation this time is a logic continuation of our commitment to the future value of Egoo Health” – Thomas Warthoe, CEO

Repurchase Of Assets

Today, 29 August 2024, the Company has entered into an agreement with Qlife ApS in bankruptcy to acquire its assets, including goodwill and other intangible rights inventory, equipment, inventory and IT equipment and software, at a fixed purchase price of MDKK 3.00, with a potential earn out of MDKK 3.00. The acquisition is completed immediately with retroactive effect as of 24 July 2024. The purchase price is to be paid in instalments and is distributed and adjusted as follows. No later than 14 days after today DKK 150,000 will be paid in cash. The remaining purchase price of a minimum of MDKK 2.85 up to a maximum of MDKK 6.00 shall be paid in annual instalments as described below.

The first MDKK 2.85 is to be paid twice a year starting from 2025. The half-yearly instalment, which relates to the period 1 January – 30 June, is due for payment no later than one month after the end of the period – i.e. no later than 31 July. The half-yearly instalment, which relates to the period 1 July – 31 December, is due for payment no later than one month after the end of the period – i.e. no later than 31 January. The half-annual instalments shall amount to 5 per cent of the Company’s turnover (however, minimum amount according to the following table: 2025: DKK 200,000, 2026: DKK 250,000, 2027: DKK 400,000, 2028–2032: DKK 500,000 (i.e. minimum half the amount of the amount from the table per instalment). For complete information about the acquisition, please see the press release named “Qlife acquires the assets of Qlife ApS, carries out directed issues of a total of approx. MSEK 6.9 and proposal of directed issues of approx. MSEK 5.05” and dated 29 August 2024.

Rebranding – Egoo Health

The Company has announced its intention to rebrand as Egoo Health, pending approval by an Extraordinary General Meeting. This name change represents a pivotal step in the Company’s transformation into a more focused and streamlined organization. The decision to adopt the Egoo Health name aligns with the Company’s core product identity, addressing market confusion that has arisen from the use of multiple names. The ”Egoo” brand has garnered strong recognition, particularly in China, making this the ideal moment to unify the brand and place full emphasis on the Egoo Health platform. This rebranding not only clarifies the Company’s market presence but also positions Qlife for greater global impact.

Operational update

Over the past few years, the Egoo Health platform has been validated and quality assured during the pandemic through extensive system usage. This process has resulted in a mature platform that has demonstrated reliability, even under challenging environmental conditions, delivering diagnostic blood data comparable to more established laboratory systems. This positions Egoo Health uniquely, as no other system offers similar capabilities, and there is currently no approved self-testing home-use system available on the market.

Egoo Health is therefore striving to become a first mover in the approved self-testing of immuno-diagnostic data in the home environment. These data are crucial for managing major diseases and chronic conditions, and the Company believes there is a significant market for this, positioning Egoo Health to capture it effectively. This is especially true in partnership with their Chinese collaborator, who has the resources to finalize the transition and an established presence in the Chinese market, having sold over 25 million tests into the hospital point-of-care field. The partner is now seeking to shift some of that blood testing from hospitals to people’s homes, offering significant market potential for high-volume sales.

In addition to this, Egoo Health is focusing on making life easier for those affected by the rare disease Phenylketonuria (PKU). After years of developing a complex biochemical test, the Company has recently seen a breakthrough with their blood test in a U.S. study. Qlife is proud of this achievement and anticipates making a meaningful difference in the rare disease field, particularly for individuals who require lifelong blood monitoring.

“Qlife has had the pleasure of having faithful and visionary shareholders who still have faith that Qlife’s products can make a difference in the world’s healthcare systems – even though it has been difficult to see the light at times.

Qlife has also benefited from highly skilled employees and external contributors with a strong commitment and desire to advance the technology into products that can improve patients’ everyday life.

We are happy to have the opportunity to continue this work and make Egoo Health the success it deserves and which we all believe in – looking forward to a new beginning.” – Lars Bangsgaard, Chairman of the Board.

New group structure

Following the bankruptcy of Qlife ApS, Qlife will operate as a standalone entity, eliminating the previous group structure. This transition has allowed the Company to significantly reduce both its burn rate and debt burden. Management estimates the monthly burn rate will now be approximately MSEK 0.50. Consequently, the directed share issue will provide the necessary resources for the Company to continue advancing its strategy with Hipro and to pursue ongoing negotiations with potential partners.

For more information please contact:

Thomas Warthoe

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Phone: +45 21 63 35 34


Qlife is a Swedish company based in Helsingborg, which develops and markets an innovative medical technology platform, Egoo.Health (”Egoo”), with the goal of giving people access to clinical biomarker data when testing at home. The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market (ticker: QLIFE). G&W Fondkommission is the Company’s Certified Adviser. For additional information, please visit

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Nordic Flanges optimerar produktionen och tecknar hyresavtal med internationell storkoncern




NORDIC FLANGES GROUP (publ.) 556674-1749


Stockholm den 15 januari 2025 klockan 15:00

Nordic Flanges optimerar produktionen och tecknar hyresavtal med internationell storkoncern

Nordic Flanges är stolta att meddela att vi framgångsrikt har genomfört en omfattande optimering och effektivisering av vår produktion. Genom noggrann planering och förbättring av våra processer har vi lyckats reducera våra produktionsytor avsevärt med bibehållen omsättning och kapacitet, vilket inte bara stärker vår hållbarhetsprofil utan också skapar nya affärsmöjligheter.

I samband med denna förändring som vi tidigare har kommunicerat så är har vi nu undertecknat ett hyresavtal med en internationell storkoncern i Örnsköldsvik som från och med 1 januari 2025 kommer att hyra de överblivna fabriksytorna hos Nordic Flanges AB. Detta strategiska samarbete innebär inte bara ett mer effektivt nyttjande av våra resurser, utan också betydande ekonomiska fördelar för Nordic Flanges. Genom detta avtal beräknas vi spara över 2 miljoner kronor årligen i våra hyreskostnader.

“Detta är ett viktigt steg framåt för Nordic Flanges. Vår förmåga att optimera produktionen och samtidigt skapa nya affärsmöjligheter visar på styrkan och flexibiliteten i vår organisation. Vi ser fram emot att välkomna vår nya hyresgäst och att fortsätta vår resa mot en ännu mer effektiv och hållbar verksamhet,” säger Frederik von Sterneck, VD och koncernchef för Nordic Flanges Group AB.

Nordic Flanges fortsätter att fokusera på innovation, kvalitet och hållbarhet, och vi är glada över att kunna dela denna framgång med våra medarbetare, kunder och samarbetspartners.

Frederik von Sterneck

VD och koncernchef

Om bolaget:

Nordic Flanges är en ledande av industrikomponenter i Norden. Vårt affärskoncept är att leverera industriella lösningar i rostfritt stål, aluminium och kolstål, med marknadens bästa kundservice. För att möta våra kunders höga krav på effektivitet, flexibilitet och kvalitet, är vårt produktsortiment baserat på både egenproducerade och handlade industrikomponenter med kundanpassade logistiklösningar. Koncernen kombinerar egen tillverkning och utveckling med handel och agenturverksamhet inom utvalda teknikinriktade industrisegment.

Verkställande Direktör: Frederik von Sterneck

(  / tfn. 08-587 979 00)

Styrelseordförande: Bengt Engström

Nordic Flanges Group AB (publ.)

Herkulesgatan 14

SE-111 52 Stockholm


Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 15 januari 2025, klockan 15:00

Nordic Flanges Group AB (publ.) (ISIN SE0023641311) handlas sedan 2007 på Nasdaq First North Growth Market, Stockholm.

Vår Certified Adviser är Mangold Fondkommission AB – tfn. 08-503 015 50 –

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Utredning föreslår ökade möjligheter för CSN att behandla personuppgifter vid informationsutbyte med andra myndigheter




I dag har 2024 års studiestödsdatautredning överlämnat sitt betänkande till Utbildningsdepartementet. Utredningen har bland annat haft i uppdrag att ge Centrala studiestödsnämnden (CSN) bättre förutsättningar att förebygga, förhindra och upptäcka felaktiga utbetalningar och bidragsbrott. De har även gjort en allmän översyn av CSN:s registerförfattningar för att skapa regler som är anpassade efter dagens behov.

Utredningen har sett över den särskilda registerlagstiftningen som finns inom studiestödsområdet och föreslår bland annat att CSN får utökade möjligheter att behandla personuppgifter vid informationsutbyte med andra myndigheter och aktörer.

Utredningens förslag innebär att kraven på att lämna ut uppgifter till andra myndigheter på papper minskar och uppgiftslämnandet kan i stället ske digitalt.

– Det måste bli stopp på den onödiga papperskarusellen hos CSN. Myndigheten behöver få bättre förutsättningar att kunna arbeta mer effektivt och digitalt, utan omoderna pålagor. Så kan vi också möjliggöra utveckling av bättre kontroller för att få stopp på angrepp på våra gemensamma välfärdssystem. Därför ser jag fram emot att ta del av utredarens förslag, säger utbildningsminister Johan Pehrson.

Utredningen föreslår också att CSN ges utökade möjligheter att använda dataanalyser i stödverksamheten, vilket innebär att myndigheten förväntas kunna arbeta mer effektivt med att förebygga, förhindra och upptäcka felaktiga utbetalningar. 

Betänkandet kommer nu att beredas inom Regeringskansliet.


Alexandra Örenmark, pressekreterare hos Johan Pehrson, 076-117 29 48,

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Tangiamo participating at ICE Barcelona 2025




Tangiamo Touch Technology AB (publ) (“Tangiamo” or the “Company”) is excited to announce its participation in ICE Barcelona 2025, one of the world’s largest and most prestigious gaming industry events, taking place 20-22 January 2025 at Fira Barcelona Gran Via.

At this year’s ICE, Tangiamo’s innovative iADR technology and closed dome dice shaker will be featured at Abbiati Casino Equipment’s booth (3M24). This collaboration with Abbiati provides an excellent platform to showcase the Company’s state-of-the-art solutions to industry leaders and gaming professionals from across the globe.

“ICE 2025 is the perfect stage to demonstrate Tangiamo’s innovative capabilities to a global audience. Our collaboration with Abbiati highlights the trust industry leaders place in our technology, and we look forward to connecting with stakeholders and exploring new growth opportunities,” says Chris Steele, CEO with Tangiamo.

Tangiamo’s participation in ICE 2025 comes at a pivotal time, following significant achievements for the Company in 2024:

  • Securing a key development agreement with Paradise Entertainment, marking Tangiamo’s entry into the Macau gaming market.
  • Expanding product distribution opportunities in Asia and Europe through strategic partnership with Paradise Entertainment
  • Licensing Tangiamo’s PAM system to Manserio Holding Ltd, paving the way for growth in B2B and B2C iGaming services.

Tangiamo invites all stakeholders, partners, and industry professionals to visit Abbiati Casino Equipment’s booth (3M24) to learn more about its products and experience Tangiamo’s dice shaker technologies firsthand.

For more information or to schedule a meeting during ICE 2025, please contact:
Chris Steele, CEO
Tel: +46 70 978 1081

About Tangiamo
Tangiamo Touch Technology AB (publ) is a Swedish company headquartered in Gothenburg. The company is a leader in advanced technology for both land-based and digital gaming, including sensor technology, visual identification, and AI-driven systems for the gaming industry. Following its acquisition of Trustplay, Tangiamo has expanded into the iGaming sector, now offering a comprehensive platform for both land-based casinos and online operators. For more information, visit The company’s shares (TANGI) are traded on the NGM Nordic SME.

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