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The European Medicines Agency accepts marketing authorisation application for Imfinzi in locally-advanced unresectable non-small cell lung cancer



må, okt 09, 2017 08:04 CET

AstraZeneca, along with MedImmune, its global biologics research and development arm, has announced that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has accepted a Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) for
(durvalumab) for the treatment of patients with locally-advanced (Stage III), unresectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) whose disease has not progressed following platinum-based chemoradiation therapy. This is the first registrational submission for
in the European Union.

The MAA submission acceptance is an important milestone for
in a disease state where patients need better treatment options and outcomes. Currently, the standard of care for patients with this earlier stage of lung disease is active monitoring following concurrent chemoradiation.

The MAA submission is based
on positive
progression-free survival (PFS) data
the Phase III PACIFIC trial. The trial continues to evaluate overall survival (OS), its other primary endpoint. Detailed results of the PACIFIC trial, including additional safety information, were published online in the 
New England Journal of Medicine



About Locally-Advanced (Stage III) NSCLC

Locally-advanced (Stage III) lung cancer is commonly divided into two stages (IIIA and IIIB), which are defined by how much the cancer has spread locally and the possibility of surgery. This differentiates it from Stage IV disease, when the cancer has spread (metastasised) to distant organs.

Stage III lung cancer represents approximately one-third of NSCLC incidence and was estimated to affect around 105,000 patients in the top-7 countries in 2016
. More than 70% of these patients have tumours that are unresectable. The current standard of care is chemotherapy and radiation followed by active surveillance to monitor for progression. The prognosis remains poor and long-term survival rates are low.


The PACIFIC trial is a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multi-centre trial of
as treatment in unselected patients with locally-advanced, unresectable (Stage III) NSCLC who have not progressed following platinum-based chemotherapy concurrent with radiation therapy.

The trial is being conducted in 235 centres across 26 countries involving approximately 700 patients. The primary endpoints of the trial are progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS), and secondary endpoints include landmark PFS and OS, objective response rate (ORR) and duration of response.


(durvalumab), a human monoclonal antibody directed against PD-L1, blocks PD-L1 interaction with PD-1 and CD80 on T cells, countering the tumour’s immune-evading tactics and inducing an immune response.

has already received accelerated approval in the US for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma, who have disease progression during or following platinum-containing chemotherapy, or whose disease has progressed within 12 months of receiving platinum-containing chemotherapy before (neoadjuvant) or after (adjuvant) surgery.

As part of a broad development programme,
is also being investigated for the adjuvant treatment of patients with NSCLC in the CCTG (Canadian Cancer Trials Group) trial ADJUVANT (BR31). In the MYSTIC, NEPTUNE, and PEARL Phase III trials,
is being studied for 1st-line treatment as monotherapy and/or in combination with tremelimumab, an anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of metastatic NSCLC. The POSEIDON trial is investigating
with and without tremelimumab in combination with chemotherapy in the same population.

About AstraZeneca in Lung Cancer

AstraZeneca is committed to developing medicines to help every patient with lung cancer. We have two approved medicines and a growing pipeline that targets genetic changes in tumour cells and boosts the power of the immune response against cancer. Our unrelenting pursuit of science aims to deliver more breakthrough therapies with the goal of extending and improving the lives of patients across all stages of disease and lines of therapy.

About AstraZeneca’s Approach to Immuno-Oncology (IO)

Immuno-Oncology (IO) is a therapeutic approach designed to stimulate the body’s immune system to attack tumours. At AstraZeneca and MedImmune, our biologics research and development arm, our IO portfolio is anchored by immunotherapies that have been designed to overcome anti-tumour immune suppression. We believe that IO-based therapies will offer the potential for life-changing cancer treatments for the vast majority of patients.

We are pursuing a comprehensive clinical trial programme that includes
(anti-PD-L1) monotherapy and in combination with tremelimumab (anti-CTLA-4) in multiple tumour types, stages of disease, and lines of therapy, using the PD-L1 biomarker as a decision-making tool to define the best potential treatment path for a patient. In addition, the ability to combine our IO portfolio with small, targeted molecules from across our oncology pipeline, and with those of our research partners, may provide new treatment options across a broad range of tumours.

About AstraZeneca in Oncology

AstraZeneca has a deep-rooted heritage in Oncology and offers a quickly growing portfolio of new medicines that has the potential to transform patients’ lives and the Company’s future. With at least six new medicines to be launched between 2014 and 2020, and a broad pipeline of small molecules and biologics in development, we are committed to advance New Oncology as one of AstraZeneca’s five Growth Platforms focused on lung, ovarian, breast and blood cancers. In addition to our core capabilities, we actively pursue innovative partnerships and investments that accelerate the delivery of our strategy as illustrated by our investment in Acerta Pharma in haematology.

By harnessing the power of four scientific platforms – Immuno-Oncology, Tumour Drivers and Resistance, DNA Damage Response and Antibody Drug Conjugates – and by championing the development of personalised combinations, AstraZeneca has the vision to redefine cancer treatment and one day eliminate cancer as a cause of death.

About MedImmune

MedImmune is the global biologics research and development arm of AstraZeneca, a global, innovation-driven biopharmaceutical business that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of small molecule and biologic prescription medicines. MedImmune is pioneering innovative research and exploring novel pathways across Oncology; Respiratory, Cardiovascular Metabolic Diseases; and Infection and Vaccines. The MedImmune headquarters is located in Gaithersburg, Md., one of AstraZeneca’s three global RD centres, with additional sites in Cambridge, UK, and Mountain View, CA. For more information, please visit

About AstraZeneca

AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the treatment of diseases in three main therapy areas – Oncology, Cardiovascular M
tabolic Diseases and Respiratory. The Company also is selectively active in the areas of autoimmunity, neuroscience and infection. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and its innovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide.

For more information, please visit

and follow us on Twitter @AstraZeneca.


France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

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ComfortZone tillsätter ny vd




ComfortZone, en svensk frånluftsvärmepumpstillverkare, meddelar att Patrick Henriksson har utsetts till ny vd. Patrick, som tidigare varit operativ chef på ComfortZones fabrik i Motala, tar över rollen omedelbart.

En bild som visar Människoansikte, Människoskägg, person, vägg Automatiskt genererad beskrivning

Patrick har tidigare erfarenhet från ledande befattningar på Saab, Electrolux och SCI och har senast arbetat som operativ chef på fabriken i Motala. Det nya vd-bytet syftar till att växla upp produktionen och en fortsatt tillväxt.

– Jag ser verkligen fram emot att leda ComfortZone vidare och säkerställa en effektivisering av produktionen och kontinuerlig kvalitetsutveckling. Jag vet redan att vi har en ytterst kompetent och engagerad personal, och tillsammans ska vi ta ComfortZone till nästa nivå, säger Patrick Henriksson, vd på ComfortZone.

ComfortZone har tidigare byggt en ny fabrik i Motala, för att kunna möta efterfrågan i Sverige och Europa och utöka produktionen.

– Jag vill även tacka vår tidigare vd Robert Berg för hans tid och engagemang hos oss. Hans insatser har varit avgörande för att förvandla ComfortZone från ett litet innovationsföretag till en stark aktör inom frånluftsvärme, säger Patrick Henriksson.


För mer information

Patrick Henriksson | vd | | 073-411 93 20

Om ComfortZone

En innovativ entreprenör ställde sig tidigt på 00-talet frågan om man kunde skapa ett system som ökade effekten avsevärt på en värmepump. Det kunde man och sommaren 2003 levererades de första frånluftsvärmepumparna från det nybildade företaget ComfortZone. Från fabriken i Motala levereras idag tusentals frånluftsvärmepumpar till både den svenska och den europeiska marknaden. Från starten har ComfortZone varit innovatören bland frånluftsvärmepumps-producenter vad gäller energieffektiv teknik som förser tusentals svenska och utländska hem med hela dess värme- och varmvattenbehov. Ventilation och frisk inomhusluft får man på köpet. Och kyla om man vill. Huvudkontoret ligger i Täby norr om Stockholm.

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Firenor International förvärvar Matre Maskin AS




Firenor International, ett helägt dotterbolag till Concejo AB (publ), har träffat avtal om att förvärva det norska brandsäkerhetsföretaget Matre Maskin AS. Köpeskillingen uppgår till cirka 38 MSEK, varav 15 MSEK betalas vid tillträde och resterande del erläggs över en femårsperiod. Tillträde beräknas till tredje kvartalet 2024.

Firenor International, med huvudkontor i Kristiansand i Norge, är en ledande leverantör av högspecialiserade produkter och system för aktiv brandbekämpning till kunder globalt inom energisektorn. Matre Maskin AS, med huvudkontor i Bømlo på norska Vestlandet, är en leverantör av specialkomponenter för brandbekämpning samt system för brandskydd av helikopterdäck.

Matre Maskin, grundat 1953, omsatte år 2023 cirka 77 MSEK med ett rörelseresultat på cirka 11 MSEK. Bolaget kommer att verka som ett självständigt dotterbolag, under eget varumärke, till Firenor International. Tillträde beräknas till tredje kvartalet 2024.

– Förvärvet av Matre Maskin breddar kundbasen och stärker såväl erbjudandet som marknadspositionen för affärsområde Firenor International. Matre är idag en viktig leverantör till Firenor så det finns även möjlighet att nå ett antal synergier genom det här förvärvet. Bolagen kompletterar varandra väl och tack vare förvärvet stärker vi Firenor Internationals totala affär genom ökad kapacitet, kompetens och kunnande, säger Carl Adam Rosenblad, vd och koncernchef för Concejo AB (publ).


Denna information är sådan information som Concejo AB (publ) är skyldig att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom nedanstående persons försorg, för offentliggörande den 3 juli 2024, klockan 10:30 CET.

Concejo AB (publ)

För ytterligare information, kontakta:
Carl Adam Rosenblad
Vd och koncernchef
Mobil: +46-73 672 48 01


Om Concejo
Concejo är ett blandat investmentbolag med målsättningen att skapa långsiktiga värden genom att investera i och utveckla verksamheter med entreprenörskap som grund. Concejos aktie är noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm.

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Market Notice 139/24 – Last day of trading in DanCann Pharma A/S’ BTA




Last day of trading in the company’s paid subscribed share, DANCAN BTA, is July 8, 2024.  

Information about the paid subscribed share: 
Shortname: DANCAN BTA 
ISIN: DK0062956652 
Orderbook-ID: 338643 
FISN: DanCann Pharm/SH NV RstV Par 
Last day of trading: July 8, 2024 

Stockholm July 3, 2024 

Spotlight Stock Market 
08-511 68 000

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